
More Float Dank Ya Boat

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Kickback Uuey

Grab a seed plant a tree…

  • Logging thru time' on the journey we stay in the creations by the dusty road tracking through the Forest....of the Heights.

  • Delta Tetra Hydro

    There are over a hundred cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, none more recognized or vilified than tetrahydrocannabinol.

    However, THC-COOH is a metabolite produced by THC as a result of its interaction with the body. .../

    THC is one of the most popular cannabinoids to be found in the cannabis plant with a dark or amber-colored appearance that is known to have some psychoactive effects on the body.

    Concentrates, or dabs, are some of the most powerful cannabis products on the market as their THC content is between 60% and 99%, which is way higher than the most potent weed strains.

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Just like way’s of the mystic dancing to the delta’s tumbleweed brings rains to the needed, a little Vibration celebrating the variable bond that surround the circle we stand upon, from the cloud ceilings that sends good quench to each and everything. Shine your light from within.


Vibration Status

in perpetual bliss as the show persit’s i live each and everyday in the realm of the Carousel ride on Natty ride to the Melodies.

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KcK T-Shirt style-SkyblueWalker blends a sense of airy and denseness with this unique look on the day. Stay up on this nice top to touch the road or skys. N/A coming soon !!

This image was created using Dall-E 2 via Chat Gpt

Glow in the dark leaf on all black scape. DILA/DEAT BONDS the light and the dark sides/ it doesn’t receive that light it wont glow Pure and simple. Prolong care are instructed on label. Do not machine wash. N/A coming soon !!

Get into the vibz to center yourself sometimes you might want to change gear. Shift into this leaf shirt to downtempo a little. Option for GID(Glow In Dark) will be available soon. Keep you headz High. N/A coming soon !!

Cheers for fears as the time disappears in this 1 piece. Set the tone with this harvest green CloudKicka shirt ripe for that pick up. Bless Up CloudKicka’zz. This one will be out soon N/A. coming soon !!

New cloud kicka Design for the Delta whisperer. Design to get the loft of your essense in your ethos. New adventures await with the interpolated sleeves to whifff those clouds up with the swaggle of the shoulder tuck. Look out for this soon.